Medicine of Mystics School

Journey Beyond The Everyday and Awaken your Luminous Energy Field.




Friday April 26- Sunday, April 28, 2024

 Holmes, NY

(Space limited to 13 sisters)


Days until the magic begins:









What if we could journey beyond the everyday, step in to timelessness and slip within the mystical worlds we have forgotten are here? 

About your guide 
Welcome Sister, I am Tami!
A Mystic, Medicine Woman, and Land Activator.

I am a seasoned spiritual guide dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their inner power and connect with their true purpose. With a deep understanding of the mystical and spiritual realms, I have embarked on my own profound journey of self-discovery and healing.

My path has led me to embrace various shamanic practices, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of ancient traditions; Lemurian Codes, the high mountains of Peru and Daoist Stone Medicine. My journey has been a continuous exploration of the soul, a journey that I now share with others who seek to awaken their inner magic.

As an empath, I masterfully create a safe and sacred space for my clients to delve in to their own spiritual depths. I am a guide on the journey to access one's sacred soul records, to trust intuition, to embrace mystical practices and to lean in to the power of community and sisterhood.

I am passionate about breaking free from old paradigms and stepping into the New Earth paradigms. I help my clients not only transform the way they work but also how they walk in their personal lives and interact with their families and communities.

I empower individuals to heal themselves and to stand in their own sovereignty.  I provide them with the tools to navigate their soul journey, understand their resistances, and confidently be their most authentic self.

Each beautiful soul I have encountered on this path has inspired me with the medicine teachings they bring forth. These translate in to the potent offerings I have created: Alchemy of Your Soul Medicine, Priestess of the Elements Initiations, Mystical Rhythms of the Year Journey, and  Sacred Fire Gathering.

  Join me on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Embrace your inner mystic and unlock the boundless potential that lies within you.

Imagine the magic that will unfold when we surrender in to the unknown...

I have been dreaming this opportunity in so many ways for my dear sisters I have walked with over the years.  The time has finally revealed itself through the waters and the stones of New York.  The faint whispers have moved to clear callings to come be with the land and the frequency around the special stone chambers hidden from the everyday eye, the wise elder mountains that nestle the homes and the people and the waters that have important codes to share at this crucial time in humanity.  

These hidden portals within the fabric of the busy New York energy are calling us to gather.  

Every place and every person has a vibration and an Akashic record to reveal.  As we attune to these at first faint frequencies we begin to access parts of ourselves that have been buried deep within.  We begin to remember the path we are meant to be walking and our deep connections to the earth and the cycles.  In order to really create change, within our life, for Mother Earth and for our families and communities we need to work from this very deep and subtle space.  

In order to be in this space we need to be clear ourselves.  

We need to be wired to our luminous energy field in the most effective way.  

If we are clear we can listen and see the magic we pass daily as we race to get to here or there.

Are you ready to manifest a New Earth for yourself, your children and humanity?

If you have been feeling the calling or you sense the stirring within, it is time to be initiated in to the next phase of this journey you are walking!


Join me to be held and to hold in the power of the circle of sisterhood.  


Friday April 26- Sunday, April 28, 2024

     Holmes, NY

(Space limited to 13 sisters)

Some of the greatest benefits of joining this gathering...



Be witnessed in your current heart space and receive exactly what you are meant to in this moment in time and lean into the mystery.



Attune your personal vibration with the outer rhythms, learn to listen more deeply and support Pachamama as she continues to hold us with every breath and every step we take.



Dive into the shamanic teachings of how to work with the frequencies of the land, the stones and the waters in sacred reciprocity and receive powerful healings.




Unlock your sacred records among the sisters you forgot you had. Jostle your deeper codes and understand how they impact the collective frequency


 And That's Not All...

I have had extraordinary downloads coursing through me since I opened the portal of this journey and I cannot wait to share.

The beautiful gifts you will receive include:
  • JOURNEY TO POWERFUL MYSTICAL PORTALS including stone chambers and sacred waters that surround them.
  • PLAY WITH THE ELEMENTS of the sacred fire, the waters, the earth and the air to remember where we came from and the path we are meant to be walking.
  • RECEIVE MUNAY-KI RITES, powerful Shamanic Rites from the High Mountains of Peru and begin to step in your purest power.
  • WORK WITH THE Q’ERO PRACTICE of sacred reciprocity.
  • CREATE BEAUTIFUL DESPACHOS (sacred bundles) for the land and waters we connect with.
  • WOMB CLEARINGS FOR PACHAMAMA AND YOURSELF to release what is creating resistance on the path to the New Earth and the potential of all possibilities.
  • RECEIVE DEEP HEALINGS from Lemurian teachings, the Akashic Records and the Crystalline Matrix.
  • DIVE INTO THE CRYSTAL KINGDOM and explore Daoist Stone Medicine to unlock and activate the codes within you that are ready to be revealed.
  • CONNECT WITH THE PLANT MEDICINE OF TABACO, the grandfather wisdom, and begin to ground more deeply with pachamama, transmute deep seeded energies and gain potent clarity.
  • BE NOURISHED IN THE FEMININE WAYS, free flowing feminine and Spirit-guided schedule, nourishing meals, choose to stay for the day or stay with your sisters on the lake.


Weekend Schedule


This retreat is deeply guided by the feminine flow of being in the moment, which means that all scheduling may change due to Spirit redirecting


Friday 4/26
  • Dinner prepared by Personal Chef
  • Opening Cemony to Vision the New Future
  • Healers Rite
  • Sacred Fire Wisdom


Saturday 4/27
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner prepared by Personal Chef.
  • Sacred Medicine Meditation with Crystalline Matrix & Akashic Records
  • Womb clearings and activations
  • Hike to Sacred Chamber
  • Rite of the womb
  • Grandfather Tabaco teachings
  • Fire alchemy ceremony


Sunday 4/28
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner prepared by Personal Chef.
  • Shamanic Stone healing meditation
  • Work with the sacred waters and chambers
  • Bands of Protection Rite
  • Despacho
  • Closing circle
Experience the mystical energies with your sisters...

Lakeview Chalet

Relax and Enjoy Nature 

Wake up to the sunrise over the private lake with stunning views;  wind down with a bath in the jetted tub or a fire with indoor wood stove or outdoor fire pit with your sisters

Only 75 minutes from Manhattan, with Metro North access nearby


Be surrounded by Sacred Sites

You will have access to the private lake and small beach area, available via a slightly steep path directly across from the house. There are also two other access points a 5 and 10 minute walk down the road.

This area is surrounded by many sacred chambers and powerful energy sites that we will attune to and explore.


Enjoy Nourishing Meals

You will be nourished with gluten-free dairy-free vegetarian meals and snacks prepared by a private chef using locally and WNC sourced NON-GMO organic foods when possible.  We will nurture our physical vessel for the deepest healing possible. Specific dietary needs can be accommodated. 


Choose a Private or Shared Room  

This Lakeview Retreat offers 4 beautiful and tastefully decorated bedrooms (queen and full size beds) with 2 shared bathrooms. You can choose to have your very own bed or share with a sister.

**Note that the space for staying over is limited, so please book in advance.


Come discover the magic hidden within...

Choose the flow that's right for you:

Full Weekend with Stay - Payment Plan


2 Monthly Payments

Pay only $407 today and join a retreat with stay that will change you forever! 


Full Weekend with Stay - Full Payment


One Payment

 Enjoy a nourishing weekend retreat with new sisters in an amazing venue (BEST VALUE)


Full Weekend without Stay - Payment Plan


2 Monthly Payments

Pay only $291 today and join the weekend retreat with the flexibility of going home to your family at night.


Full Weekend without Stay - Full Payment


One Payment

Enjoy a nourishing weekend retreat with new sisters with the flexibility of going home to your family at night.


Friday Opening Ceremony Pass


One Payment

For the ones that would like to join the Powerful Opening Ceremony by the fire. We will set intentions and enjoy a special dinner with sisters.


Saturday or Sunday Day Pass


One Payment

This is for the sisters that can join ONLY ONE DAY either Saturday or Sunday. You will get to experience the Magic and powerful healing of coming together as sisters.

Are you Still doubting your gut calling?

Read What a Few of Our Sisters Had to Say:

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