Medicine of Mystics School

A sanctuary where you can explore your inner depths, reclaim your power, and walk confidently in your mastery.




A 12-month offering - Next session begins on June 2024



Days until the magic begins:









Are You Ready to Awaken Your Mystic Essence? 




𓆸 Feeling disconnected from your inner power and wisdom?


𓆸 Struggling to break free from old patterns and limitations.


𓆸 Longing for deeper spiritual connection and purpose


𓆸 Seeking profound healing and transformation?


𓆸 Ready to embrace your true essence and walk the path of mastery?



𓆸 Embracing your innate power and wisdom with confidence and clarity.


𓆸 Breaking free from old paradigms, stepping boldly into new realms of possibility.


𓆸 Cultivating a deep connection with your soul's purpose and the mysteries of the universe.


𓆸 Experiencing profound healing and transformation on all levels of your being.


𓆸 Walking the path of mastery with grace, sovereignty, and divine purpose.

If you have been feeling a deep calling to reclaim your power, trust your intuition, and unlock the sacred wisdom within, join us!

In this sacred space you will:


 𓆸  Walk as the mystic you are, trusting your medicine in all its forms.


𓆸 Access your soul records, trusting your path on earth.


𓆸 Master shamanic skills to heal yourself, family, and communit.


𓆸 Clear blocks and stand confidently in your power.


𓆸 Step boldly within new paradigms, leaving past limitations behind

So why join us on this journey?



Enter the Realm of Mystical Awakening.

Step beyond the veil of illusion, into the realm where time dissolves and the soul's song echoes through eternity. Here, beneath the canopy of stars, you will discover the secrets of the cosmos, whispered in the language of stone and spirit.


Journey Into the Depths of Your Being:

Within the labyrinth of your soul lies the map of your destiny, written in the language of light and shadow. With ASM as your guide, traverse the landscape of your inner world, unlocking the chambers of your heart and illuminating the pathways of your purpose.


A Tapestry Woven With Wisdom:

Immerse yourself in the sacred teachings of Lemurian Codes, drawn from the ancient scrolls of time. Let the wisdom of the high mountains of Peru and the mystic arts of Daoist Stone Medicine be your compass, guiding you through the labyrinth of your soul.


Awaken Your Inner Priestess:

Invoke the priestess within, for she is the guardian of the sacred flame, the keeper of the cosmic keys. Through ritual and ceremony, you will reclaim your sovereignty, standing as a beacon of light amidst the darkness, a vessel of divine grace and power.


Illuminate the Path of Mastery:

Embrace the alchemy of your luminous energy field, for within its depths lie the keys to your healing and transformation. With each session, delve deeper into the recesses of your being, shedding light on your blocks and fears, and igniting the fires of your soul's potential.


Embrace the Wisdom of the Ancients:

From the womb of creation to the heart of the earth, from the whispers of the wind to the song of the stars, you will attune to the mystical powers of the elements. Through ritual and ceremony, you will harmonize with the cycles of nature, anchoring yourself in the eternal dance of creation.


Step Into Your Power:

With ASM as your guide, you will awaken to the truth of who you are - a radiant being of light, a sovereign soul, a sacred guardian of the earth. Trust in your medicine, dear sister, for it is a gift bestowed upon you by the divine.


Join the Circle of Sacred Sisters:

In the sacred circle of ASM, you will find solace, support, and sisterhood. Together, we will weave a tapestry of light, anchoring the frequencies of love and unity into the fabric of existence.

 And That's Not All...

What You'll Experience:

𓆸 Shamanic teachings inspired by Lemurian Codes and ancient wisdom: You'll delve into profound shamanic practices rooted in ancient traditions, drawing inspiration from Lemurian Codes and other timeless sources of wisdom.
𓆸 Complete alchemy of your luminous energy field for deep healing: Through transformative processes, your luminous energy field—the subtle energy body surrounding you—will undergo alchemical changes, facilitating profound healing on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels.
𓆸 Activation of womb wisdom for powerful manifestation: This involves tapping into the innate wisdom and creative power held within the womb space, enabling you to manifest your desires and intentions with clarity and potency.
𓆸 Dive into mystical stone medicine to unlock your sacred soul records: You'll explore the mystical properties of stones and crystals, using them as tools to access and unlock the ancient wisdom and soul records held within your being.
𓆸 Learn to hold sacred space, trust your intuition, and initiate transformation: You'll develop the skills to create and maintain sacred environments conducive to healing and spiritual growth, trusting your intuition as you guide yourself and others through transformative processes.
𓆸 Break free from old paradigms, stepping boldly into new earth frequencies: Through ritual, ceremony, and deep inner work, you'll release outdated beliefs and patterns, embracing new paradigms aligned with the evolving energies of the Earth and cosmos.
𓆸 Harness the mystical powers of elements, syncing with cosmic cycles: You'll attune yourself to the elemental forces of nature, syncing your rhythms with the cycles of the cosmos to receive guidance, support, and inspiration from the natural world.
𓆸 Receive powerful Munay-Ki rites for spiritual protection: These rites, stemming from ancient Quero's traditions, offer energetic protection and empowerment, strengthening your connection to divine energies and spiritual allies.
𓆸 Build your sacred toolkit with ethically mined crystals and stones: You'll curate a collection of crystals and stones sourced ethically and consciously, creating a sacred toolkit to support your ongoing spiritual journey and practices.


𓆸 Monthly group and private sessions for deep exploration.


𓆸 In-person or online intensives for ritual and integration.


𓆸 Ongoing support via phone, email, or  text throughout the journey.


𓆸 Dive deep into your journey, embracing your medicine, initiations, and tools.


𓆸 Ground in sacred space, connect with guides, and integrate your learnings.

Are you ready to embark on this profound journey of soul alchemy?

Choose the flow that's right for you:

Alchemy of Your Soul Medicine - Full Payment


1 Payment

Get 20% discount by paying today the whole year together. (BEST VALUE)


Alchemey of your Soul Medicine - Monthly Payment


12 Payments

Pay month-by-month and enjoy all the benefits of the journey. (MORE FLEXIBLE)

About your guide 
Welcome Sister, I am Tami Joy!
A Mystic, Medicine Woman, Womb Keeper, and Land Activator. 

I am a  seasoned spiritual guide dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their inner power and connect with their true purpose. With a deep understanding of the mystical and spiritual realms, I have embarked on my own profound journey of self-discovery and healing.

My path has led me to embrace various shamanic practices, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of ancient traditions, Lemurian Codes, the high mountains of Peru, and Daoist Stone Medicine. My journey has been a continuous exploration of the soul, a journey that I now share with others who seek to awaken their inner magic.

As an empath, I masterfully create a safe and sacred space for my clients to delve in to their own spiritual depths. I am a guide on the journey to access one's sacred soul records, to trust intuition, to embrace mystical practices and to lean in to the power of community and sisterhood.

I am passionate about breaking free from old paradigms and stepping into the New Earth paradigms. I help my clients not only transform the way they work but also how they walk in their personal lives and interact with their families and communities.

I empower individuals to heal themselves and to stand in their own sovereignty.  I provide them with the tools to navigate their soul journey, understand their resistances, and confidently be their most authentic self.

Each beautiful soul I have encountered on this path has inspired me with the medicine teachings they bring forth. These translate in to the potent offerings I have created: Alchemy of Your Soul Medicine, Priestess of the Elements Initiations, Mystical Rhythm of the Year Journey, and  Sacred Fire Gathering. 

Join me on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Embrace your inner mystic and unlock the boundless potential that lies within you.


Are you Still doubting your gut calling?

Read What a Few of Our Sisters Had to Say:

Contact Us

Send us any questions you may have!