Medicine of Mystics School
Embrce the magical
co-creation of sisterhood...




A 13-MONTH offering ( portal is open when you are ready to step in) 







𓆸A desire to understand your destiny and unlock the ancient wisdom within you?


𓆸 The knowing that you are a tender of those around you but you are unable to balance this with your own self love and care?


𓆸 A longing for deeper connection with nature, stones and crystals, the elements and the land?


𓆸 A yearning for a community of sisters that feels safe, supportive and where you feel completely seen?


𓆸 A knowing that there is something more but you don't know how to access it?





𓆸 Tapping into the fountain of your inner wisdom with the potent support of the crystalline kingdom, the ancient traditions of shamanic healing and the akashic records.


𓆸 Being held by a powerful sisterhood, all holding the vision of a New Earth.


𓆸 Discovering the healing and connection you've been searching for.


𓆸Sourcing the embrace of the Cosmic Womb, guiding you to walk in harmony as you lean into the healer you are.

If you've been feeling the awakening within you, it is time to lean into the calling. 


In this sacred community  you will:




𓆸  Deepen Your  Connection to Earth's Embrace and the Portals All Around: Sense the profound connection to the ancient wisdom all around us and how to ground yourself in Pachamama's nurturing energy, understanding you are never truly alone.


𓆸 Co-create a Collective Consciousness of Healing: Gathering monthly to align in Sacred Reciprocity with the larger Cosmic energies, manifesting a higher frequency of potential.


𓆸 Connect with Sacred Sisterhood of Support: Weaving a web of like-minded sisters in one heart that you can lean on physically and energetically.


𓆸 Find Alignment with Your Soul Purpose: Align with your inner purpose and wisdom as you delve into the mystical realms of the medicine encompassing us, gaining clarity, insight, and guidance to walk your path with confidence and authenticity.







𓆸 Monthly 60-minute live Zoom ceremonies guided by Tami amongst our sister network.


𓆸 Experience frequency upgrades and deep healing as we gather each month.


𓆸Receive monthly rituals and practices to raise the vibration of the collective.  



𓆸 Private telegram group with Tami and a group of soul sisters that will walk alongside you creating connection and life bonds.


𓆸 A sacred space to pause from your everyday and deepen your spiritual journey. 


𓆸 Tools for helping your family, your community and the collective elevate its frequency.


Are you ready to raise your frequency?

Choose the flow that's right for you:

Mystics Membership - Full Year Payment


1 Payment

Get 20% discount by paying today the whole year together. (BEST VALUE)


Mystics Membership - Monthly Payment


12 Payments

Pay month-by-month and enjoy all the benefits of the journey. (MORE FLEXIBLE)


About your guide 

Welcome Sister, I am Tami!

A Mystic, Medicine Woman, Womb Keeper, and Land Activator. 
Hey sister, I am Tami. I am here to walk with you the deepest of the journeys, the spiritual, the mysterious,  the mystical, the unknown one...
I have been a spiritual guide dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their inner power and connect with their true purpose.
I have gained a  deep understanding of the mystical and spiritual realms, as I have embarked on my own profound journey of self-discovery and healing.
My path has led me to embrace various shamanic practices, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of ancient traditions, Lemurian Codes, the high mountains of Peru, and Daoist Stone Medicine.
My journey has been a continuous exploration of the soul, a journey that I now share with others who seek to awaken their inner magic.
As an empath, I masterfully create a safe and sacred space for my clients to delve in to their own spiritual depths. I am a guide on the journey to access one's sacred soul records, to trust intuition, to embrace mystical practices and to lean in to the power of community and sisterhood.
I am passionate about breaking free from old paradigms and stepping into the New Earth paradigms. I help my clients not only transform the way they work but also how they walk in their personal lives and interact with their families and communities.
I empower individuals to heal themselves and to stand in their own sovereignty.  I provide them with the tools to navigate their soul journey, understand their resistances, and confidently be their most authentic self.
Each beautiful soul I have encountered on this path has inspired me with the medicine teachings they bring forth. These translate in to the potent offerings I have created: Alchemy of Your Soul Medicine, Priestess of the Elements Initiations, Mystical Rhythm of the Year Journey, and  Sacred Fire Gathering. 
Join me on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.
Embrace your inner mystic and unlock the boundless potential that lies within you.
Are you Still doubting your gut calling?

Read What a Few of Our Sisters Had to Say:

Contact Us

Send us any questions you may have!