Medicine of Mystics School

Awakening the Rose:
An Exploration

of the Feminine Codes Within


Join us as we explore the Mysteries of the Rose Journey and delve into the Sacred Path of the Rose Lineage to ignite your Venus Star Attunement.

Join Our Free Exploration

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Beloved Sister,
the sacred call is upon us to walk the path of the Rose with the luminous guidance of the cycles of the Venus Star.
The Rose is ready to activate the authentic codes of your being, allowing you to create the path you were meant to walk...
Tami Joy & Akasha Devi

Join us for this FREE call
as we prepare to delve into the

Mysteries of the Rose.

We are excited to explore this
9-Month journey with the Venus Cycle and this powerful portal of feminine reclamation.


 Awakening the Rose
FREE Rose Activation & Initiation.




🌹Discover the Mystical Rhythms

Unveil the Cosmic energies that encompass our being and support your current journey,
no matter where you are in this moment

🌹Receive a Rose Initiation

Experience a powerful activation from Akasha Devi & Tami Joy,
designed to awaken your deepest feminine essence.

🌹Upgrade Your Potential Codes

Unlock sacred insights around the Rose Lineage,
Venus Ascent and the Myth of Innana enhancing your spiritual potential and life path.