Medicine of Mystics School


I am Tami

  A Mystic, Medicine Woman, and Land Activator.


I am a  seasoned spiritual guide dedicated to helping individuals reclaim their inner power and connect with their true purpose. With a deep understanding of the mystical and spiritual realms, I have embarked on my own profound journey of self-discovery and healing.

My path has led me to embrace various shamanic practices, drawing inspiration from the wisdom of ancient traditions, Lemurian Codes, the high mountains of Peru, and Daoist Stone Medicine. My journey has been a continuous exploration of the soul, a journey that I now share with others who seek to awaken their inner magic.

As an empath, I masterfully create a safe and sacred space for my clients to delve in to their own spiritual depths. I am a guide on the journey to access one's sacred soul records, to trust intuition, to embrace mystical practices and to lean in to the power of community and sisterhood.

I am passionate about breaking free from old paradigms and stepping into the New Earth paradigms. I help my clients not only transform the way they work but also how they walk in their personal lives and interact with their families and communities.

I empower individuals to heal themselves and to stand in their own sovereignty.  I provide them with the tools to navigate their soul journey, understand their resistances, and confidently be their most authentic self.

Each beautiful soul I have encountered on this path has inspired me with the medicine teachings they bring forth. These translate in to the potent offerings I have created: Alchemy of Your Soul Medicine, Priestess of the Elements Initiations, Mystical Rhythm of the Year Journey, and  Sacred Fire Gathering. 

Join me on a transformative journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.

Embrace your inner mystic and unlock the boundless potential that lies within you.

This is my life Mission...




Tami holds a profound mission: to empower those who are on a quest for deeper meaning and self-discovery. With a rich tapestry of life experiences, Tami has embarked on her own remarkable journey, one that has honed her skills and wisdom in the realms of mysticism and spirituality.

Tami firmly believes that each individual possesses a unique and powerful essence within, waiting to be reclaimed. Her life's purpose is to guide others in unlocking their inner potential and connecting with their true purpose.

Tami's path has been a continuous exploration of the soul. She understands the restlessness and yearning that often accompany the search for something more profound in life.

Tami is passionate about helping others break free from old paradigms and embrace the new earth paradigms. 

Through her teachings, Tami empowers individuals to become healers of themselves, their families, and their communities. She equips them with the tools to navigate their soul journey, identify and overcome obstacles, and confidently stand in their power.

"I am here to empower those that are searching," Tami declares. Her presence and guidance inspire others to embark on their own empowering journeys of self-discovery, spirituality, and inner transformation. With Tami as a guide, individuals can tap into their unique gifts and unleash the limitless potential that resides within them.



"Discover the ancient wisdom that resides in your soul."

Tami's Method


Empowerment Through Reclamation


Tami's Method is a unique blend of wisdom, life experiences, and profound initiations. It's a transformative journey that revolves around the central theme of reclaiming one's power. This method encourages individuals to gather all the scattered fragments of their knowledge, life experiences, and spiritual initiations, weaving them together into a coherent tapestry of self-discovery and empowerment.

At its core, Tami's Method is about remembering—remembering who you are, where you come from, and why you are here on this earthly journey. It's a process of reconnecting with your true essence and innate wisdom, often obscured by the complexities and challenges of life.

Tami has drawn from a rich tapestry of spiritual traditions, ancient practices, and her personal journey to create a holistic approach to personal growth and empowerment.

Key elements of the Tami's Unique Method include:

  1. Integration of Wisdom: The method integrates diverse sources of wisdom, ranging from shamanic traditions and Lemurian Codes to Daoist Stone Medicine. This comprehensive approach ensures a well-rounded exploration of the self.

  2. Empowerment: Central to the Tami Method is the concept of empowerment. It's about rediscovering and reclaiming your innate power, which may have been overshadowed by external influences and self-doubt.

  3. Self-Discovery: The method guides individuals on a journey of self-discovery. It encourages you to explore your inner landscape, tap into your intuition, and unveil your true purpose in life.

  4. Ritual and Ceremony: Rituals and ceremonies play a vital role in this method, providing sacred spaces for transformation and healing. They serve as bridges between the conscious and spiritual realms, facilitating inner growth.

  5. Breaking Free: Tami's approach inspires individuals to break free from old paradigms and limiting beliefs. It fosters a sense of liberation and empowers you to embrace new ways of thinking and being.

  6. Community: Community and connection are highly valued in the Tami Method. It acknowledges the importance of a supportive and like-minded community on your spiritual journey.

  7. Soul Reclamation: The method invites you to reclaim lost or forgotten parts of your soul and identity, creating a sense of wholeness and authenticity.

  8. Trust and Knowing: Trusting your inner voice and knowing is a fundamental aspect of the method. It encourages you to rely on your intuition and inner wisdom as you navigate life's challenges.

In essence, Tami's Method is a path of rediscovery, empowerment, and holistic growth. It's a powerful framework that enables individuals to weave together the threads of their existence, ultimately revealing a tapestry of self-awareness, purpose, and spiritual connection. Through this method, you embark on a transformative journey toward a more authentic and empowered life.